Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm back online

So our computer died last Thursday. I mean died. It froze and then would not start back up or even shut off. We got that computer right before Nora was born and it has been a pain in the bum for the last 2 years - but it worked for what we needed it for (um, internet).

So we went out shopping for a new one on Friday. Right after I had a meltdown of major proportions... Jana is definitely not super-mom and had a really bad afternoon on Friday. Sure, I have all of my Christmas shopping done, cards in the mail (Ha, Kim!) and seem to have life figured out and am totally pulled together, but its simply not true. Jana can become an emotional wreck on a given notice just like any other mom (hello, right? other moms do lose it sometimes, too, right? I'm not the only one - RIGHT?). Three children wear on the nerves sometimes and I just lost it on Friday and cried the entire afternoon. Perhaps I was really just going through internet withdrawl. Whatever the case, I am lucky enough to have a husband who listens and cares and a very close friend who is a therapist and available via phone whenever I need him... I will be getting a real therapist soon, though, because I believe everyone could benefit from therapy - including me.

So I wasn't planning on going into all of that:)

Back to computer shopping on Friday night. We found a couple of decent, inexpensive laptops at Best Buy, but decided to shop around and see what they were going to have on sale on Sunday (around here we get the Sunday ads already on Saturday afternoon). We picked up the Sunday Tribune on Saturday night and saw that they would have two laptops for sale - one for $549 and one for $399. The salesguy told us that if we wanted to get a cheap one we'd have to get there at 7am on Sunday. Uh not happening. But Cornbread was willing to get there at 8 and he got the LAST ONE for $399!!!! A laptop for $399???!!! That rockes, eh?

I finally plugged it in and am back online. However, I've lost everything - all of my favorite bookmarked websites, all of my photos, all of our financial records, etc. But we're going wireless and I am going to get out of the NW corner of my house, but I'll be in a corner somewhere:)


Anonymous 3:30 PM  

Oh no!!!! It's crazy how much we rely on computers, isn't it???
Well, I know you are dying to add my blog back to your favorites, so here ya go:
and my email is If I can be of any further assistance, let me know! :) love ya!!!
OH, and you are definitely NOT the only mom who has meltdowns. I had one last night. Because I couldn't find paper. Yeah, that was fun. :)

Missy Eagen 4:19 PM  

I've never had a meltdown.... don't know what your talkin about ;) (LOL)
glad your back and how fun that you found a laptop for such a great price!

Mommy Brain 10:52 AM  

Mommybrain moment: raged at my kids today...seemed like an out of body experience...could see and hear myself...told myself to shut up...but I didn't listen. Bad Mommy!

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